Works nearing completion

Project update: March 2024

The upgrade to Triangle Park (North) is nearing completion.

Final improvements include two sets of stairs to access the timber deck. Works are expected to be completed by June, weather permitting.

Upgrades to the area include:

  • landscaping
  • new paving
  • improved lighting
  • new seating
  • taxi shelter installation
  • overall beautification

These works are part of the overall Dee Why Town Centre Masterplan and will complement the already upgraded Triangle Park (South).

Take a peak at our progress


Triangle Park is located between Howard Avenue and Oaks Avenue. As part of the upgrade, two small trees were removed due to their poor health and five new trees were planted, as well as other plants and shrubs. This upgrade is funded by the Dee Why Town Centre Developer Contributions Plan 2019.

Community consultation was conducted between 22 March and 23 April 2023. We received 48 submissions in total, with 95% of respondents indicating their overall support of the proposed upgrades. You can read the full community engagement report here.

Concept Plans