Current projects

Completed actions

Following the adoption of the My Place Avalon – Avalon Beach Place Plan in 2022, we established a Project Steering Group (PSG) which consists of the council staff responsible for delivery of the actions of the plan.

Our PSG provides advice on place plan projects and implementation of the actions of the Avalon Place Plan.

We have coordinated a list of the Completed Actions as of 1 October 2023, please note that the completed actions have been delivered by key stakeholders including council and our community.

We will be updating the list every 12 months and will publish the updates to this page.

Click the +Follow button at the top of the page to make sure you receive the updates.

Our vision for Avalon

The purpose of the Avalon Beach Place Plan is to identify public domain improvements and programs that will contribute to a shared place vision. It will highlight the ways we can enhance community spaces and streets, create active and lively places to meet, gather and relax, improve connections and provide new facilities for young people.

We have worked with the local community to find out what Avalon Beach residents value most and what features make Avalon Beach such a special and unique place.

Following the public exhibition of the draft Avalon Beach Place Plan in early 2021, we are now reviewing your submissions and hope to report the findings, with the finalised place plan, to Council later this year.

Together with community led ideas and actions, the My Place Avalon: Avalon Beach Place Plan will build on Avalon Beach's unique character, to create a place for all people to enjoy, now and in the future.

Principles and Precincts

Principles and Precincts

The five guiding principles

The place plan is guided by five principles which balance economic, environmental, and social impacts with opportunities to bring the community's vision to life.

Avalon Beach Place Plan - place precincts

We have grouped Avalon Beach into three distinct precincts in the draft place plan, each with a series of actions to meet the current and future needs and aspirations of this community. Click the tabs below to jump straight to each section of the plan.

My Place Avalon - Place Plan

Adoption of the plan

We are pleased to let you know that the My Place: Avalon - Avalon Beach Place Plan was adopted as amended by Council at the meeting on 26 July 2022.

The plan was prepared to identify public domain improvements and programs that will contribute to a shared place vision for Avalon Beach. Changes were made to the Place Plan post exhibition to reflect feedback provided.

At its meeting, Council resolved that further community consultation is undertaken with regard to Action 52 (Beach Gateway terracing) of the adopted Plan. Action 52 is considered a long-term (5-10 year) activity. Consultation will be undertaken closer to the time of planning the design and implementation of this action.

Council also recommended that further consultation be undertaken in relation to cycleways within Avalon Beach village. This item had been removed from the Plan and it is recommended that it be re-investigated. Consultation is recommended to be conducted and reported back to Council within 12 months.

Read the adopted plan here from the button below.

You can view the Council minutes, Item 12.1, page 14 here.

Report to Council

The draft plan was prepared to identify public domain improvements and programs that will contribute to a shared place vision for Avalon Beach.

The exhibition of the draft plan was conducted between 11 February and 16 May 2021. 736 submissions were received and the results and outcome have been presented to the Avalon Community Reference Group. Changes have been made to the Place Plan post exhibition to reflect feedback provided.

A report was presented to Council at the meeting held Tuesday 26 July 2022, noting the engagement outcomes and recommending adoption of the My Place: Avalon - Avalon Beach Place Plan.

View the Council Report (Item 12.1), Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report and verbatim submissions and verbatim attachments.

Please note, the link to the verbatims in the Council Attachment Booklet - Planning and Place will not work. Please use the links as provided above.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Anne-Maree Newbery or Nikki Griffith, Managers, Strategic and Place Planning
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

‘Avalon Beach Place Plan’ – Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655

Consultation history