Comments closed
reviewing your feedback
Dunbar Park is a key location for the Avalon Beach community.
We committed to several actions to improve some of the amenity of Dunbar Park and surrounds in the Avalon Beach Place Plan. The improvements for the park are intended to make it more appealing and useable for a range of activities, including comfortable places for people to meet, gather and play, improved lighting, and space for performances and events.
Implementation of the improvements will be staged in accordance with funding and scheduled to minimise disturbance to the community. Improvements include:
- lighting to provide a sense of liveliness and safety
- providing pop-up play spaces and active play elements
- increasing public seating, picnic benches and tables
- increasing footpath widths where required
- providing shelter for shade and weather protection
- opportunities for arts and performance spaces
- installing new bike parking.
Our concept plan is preliminary which means, where appropriate, we will take our community's feedback into account as we commence detailed design.
Are we on the right track? We asked you to view the concept plan and tell us what you thought by completing a short survey or emailing or writing to us.
Comments closed 11:59pm Wednesday 26 June.
All comments in their entirety are made publicly available in the Community Engagement Report. Personal identifying information, and content which is discriminatory, hateful or which may defame, offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate will be redacted.
Dunbar Park concept plan
Click here to view the detail - see the legend and sample concept images for key locations

Previous layouts and images
Design concepts follow our public space design guidelines - you can read Public Space Vision and Design Guidelines - Northern Beaches for more information.