Council outcome

Tuesday 19 December 2023

We exhibited the Church Point Commuter Wharf Feasibility Study from 29 August to 26 September 2022.

At its meeting on 19 December 2023, Council resolved to:

  1. Endorse the Church Point Commuter Wharf Feasibility Study (January 2023) as amended.
  2. Investigate opportunities to improve the management and operation of the existing facility in consultation with the community.
  3. Meet with and appeal to the NSW Minister for Transport seeking:
    1. improvements to public transport options for off-shore residents in Pittwater; and
    2. the relocation of swing moorings to permit the extension of the existing facility as a medium to long-term solution.
  4. Develop a grant-based capital funding bid for the installation of an additional temporary facility at Rostrevor Reserve in the short term (Option 2a).
  5. Preserve the existing green space at Rostrevor Reserve.

View the Council Minutes (Item 13.2, page 14).

What was proposed?

The Church Point Commuter Wharf is an important transport hub for the local onshore and offshore community.

In 2021 we engaged consulting firm Advisian to assess different options aimed at alleviating overcrowding at the existing Commuter Wharf facility.

These options included an extension to the existing facility through the addition of another curved arm, as well as additional structures at Rostrevor Reserve, Church Point Reserve, Rowland Reserve, McCarrs Creek Reserve and Bayview Baths.

The assessment of the options (Feasibility Study) was on public exhibition from 29 August until 26 September 2022 for review and comment. We asked the community what they thought of the options and in particular if they agreed with the rankings or we had missed anything.

We invited submissions via a submission form, writing to us via email or post. All submissions were considered before the consultation outcomes were reported back to Council.

The image below provides an aerial view of the assessed options.

Snapshot of the study

Below is a snapshot view of the study and outcomes. Click on the arrow to read each section.

You can read the full document here or from the button below.

A feasibility assessment has been completed in order to rank options aimed at alleviating boat overcrowding at the Church Point Commuter Wharf. Options considered included extension to the existing facility as well as additional structures at various locations within the area.

The assessment of each option has been based on a multi-criterion ranking that considered environmental impact, planning approvals required, number of additional boat berths, parking, accessibility and transport impacts, security, impacts to coastal processes, indicative cost, and stakeholder response. A score of 10 represents the highest score achievable with subsequent scores assigned based on comparing each option and each individual criteria. Each assessment criteria has been evaluated differently. For example, looking at boat berths as an assessment criteria, the option providing the most number of additional berths (Option 2b) was assigned a 10, with alternative options then ranked accordingly.

Further detail of the scoring system is provided in Section 4 of the study.

Option 1a was discounted from detailed study as it does not provide any additional boat berths and has the potential to reduce the number of berths available.

Option 1a was not examined in detail as it does not provide any additional boat berths and has the potential to reduce the number of berths available.

Option 2a achieved the highest score followed by Option 1b then Option 4.

Option 4 provides a combination of the two highest ranked options (stage 1 only). If this combination of options were selected it would enable minimal impact to berth users during construction, Option 2a could be constructed first and used for berthing during construction/extension of 1b (stage 1).

Option 4 would provide increased berth numbers with minimal impact to operation, navigation and swing moorings.

Chat with us - Closed

We held two community drop-in sessions so the community could come and chat to us about the project and ask questions.

Drop-in dates:

  • Wednesday 7 September 2022 from 9 am – 11 am
  • Saturday 17 September 2022 from 9 am - 12 pm

Both drop-in's will be held in Thomas Stephens Reserve, Church Point.

What else do I need to know?

We invited you to read the Frequently Asked Questions and get in touch if there was more you wanted to know.

If you're interested in the additional background of the project, there's a brief history under 'How we got here'. In our Document library you can find the outcomes of the consultation undertaken in 2021 which helped guide the development of the assessed options.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    23 Aug 2022: Council endorse exhibition of feasibility study

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    29 Aug 2022: Consultation period commences

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    26 Sep 2022: Consultation completes

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    19 Dec 2023: Report consultation outcomes to Council

How we got here

The Church Point Commuter Wharf is an important transport hub for the local offshore community. The offshore community comprises residents from Scotland Island and the Western Foreshores of Pittwater (Elvina Bay, Lovett Bay and to a lesser extent Morning Bay, Coasters Retreat and Great Mackerel Beach).

Residents with private vessels may use the Commuter Wharf to access the mainland if they have a permit. At present the wharf can accommodate up to 120 boats. With 300 boat permits currently in possession and 21* residents on the waiting list for permits, the existing facility is unable to accommodate demand and experiences frequent overcrowding.

(*14 at the time of exhibition)

The existing Commuter Wharf is located on the shores of Pittwater, off McCarrs Creek Rd adjacent to the Church Point Ferry Wharf within the Northern Beaches Local Government Area (LGA). It provides a vital connection to the mainland and facility for vehicle parking, local services and a social meeting place.

The commuter wharf was upgraded in 2012 and construction of an additional two-level carpark adjacent to the wharf completed in 2018. The carparking facility comprises approximately 120 parking spots with 60 permits available for offshore residents.

To obtain an understanding of the usage of the Church Point Commuter Wharf as well as key stakeholder issues and suggestions for improvement, we undertook a Church Point Community Wharf Survey in 2021. This was completed by 222 stakeholders, with the majority of respondents residing on Scotland Island. The survey revealed that the majority of participants (86%) support the Council investigating ways to address overcrowding on the existing Church Point Commuter Wharf.

We also conducted a series of working groups with key stakeholders which included Transport for NSW, Church Point businesses and local residents' associations. The working groups concluded in September 2021.

The outcomes of this engagement are contained in the Consultation Outcomes Report.

We engaged with the community and key stakeholders in 2021 through a community survey, and through stakeholder working groups.

Consultation helped to inform the options assessed in the feasibility study.

Stakeholder and community feedback proposed a number of suggestions for improved wharf usage as possible ways of alleviating overcrowding. Details of these suggestions can be found in section 5.8 (page 52) of the study.

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Transport & Civil Infrastructure Assets
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

‘Church Point Commuter Wharf Feasibility Study’ Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655