Construction complete

We are pleased to announce the completion of the new columbarium, gardens and signage at Manly Cemetery.

Feedback from our community contributed to the final design and implementation. The project delivered:

  • 352 niche positions in 2x columbarium walls along with surrounding paths, gardens and reflection seat.
  • Foundations for remaining 2x additional columbarium walls (352 niche positions) which can be installed as needed/funded.
  • Upgrade of paths around the existing columbarium.
  • New signage throughout the Cemetery.

The project was made possible thanks to funding from the NSW Government Crown Reserves Improvement Fund.

Reserving a niche

During construction the community were able to make enquiries about reserving a niche. With construction complete, staff will be contacting these people to follow up on their enquiries.

General release of the remaining niches is anticipated to be available late September 2023.

New enquiries for reservations will not be taken until this time.

Project history


The proposal was to construct a new columbarium wall and small memorial garden on the eastern side of Manly Cemetery which will provide an additional 600 niches in the wall and memorial garden positions.

New columbarium

The proposed new columbarium would be approximately 23 metres in length and would consist of four light coloured granite walls (maximum height of 1.8 metres) running along the eastern boundary of the cemetery.

It would include two sandstone end pillars or columns similar in style and character as the existing columbarium. The concept plan also shows a crushed granite pathway running between the burial sites and new columbarium wall.

Memorial garden

A curved memorial garden is proposed within the circular area opposite the existing columbarium. It includes a border wall of niche spaces with Rosemary and Camelias in the garden bed, a seat for reflection and a granite plinth with a raised prayer plaque.

The concept plan also shows new signs for the cemetery, incorporating natural hardwood timber and charcoal grey coloured panels.

Consultation history

Consultation history

Between 9 March and 26 April 2021 we consulted with you on a proposal to build a new columbarium wall and memorial garden at Manly Cemetery and exhibited a concept plan.

The proposal was supported by the majority of respondents who recognised a need for more burial options on the Northern Beaches. While the comments were largely in favour of constructing a new columbarium wall and memorial garden, some respondents provided suggestions for design modifications. Others questioned the need for a new wall, with some people preferring it to remain as open space.

We heard that good access and privacy around the niche walls for the bereaved was important. This was addressed in the amended design with the addition of a pathway, hedging and seat for bereaved when visiting niches.

A design review was undertaken which took on board feedback received from the community, and from Council's heritage planning team.

A DA was then submitted in April 2022. The DA was determined by the Northern Beaches Planning panel in July 2022 and a detailed design phase is underway incorporating the DA conditions of consent. You can view the agenda and minutes from the Planning Panel here. Council will invite tenders on conclusion of the detailed design phase.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Feb-Mar 2021 - Community Consultation

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Apr-late 2021 - Design review

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Apr 2022 - DA Lodgement

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Sept - Oct 2022 - Detailed design

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Oct - Nov 2022 - Invite tenders

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Dec - Feb 2023 - Evaluate and award tender

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    Apr 2023 - Construction commences

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    Jun - Jul 2023: Construcution complete

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact me below:

Contact Information
Name Quinton Lloyd, Senior Project Officer
Phone 1300 434 434