Reviewing feedback

We are planning to improve sporting, community and recreational opportunities at North Narrabeen Reserve (including the area commonly referred to as Rat Park).

Following extensive consultation with key stakeholders and the broader community (see Stage 1 further down the page), we have developed the draft Plan of Management (PoM) including Masterplan. A report was presented to Council at the meeting on Tuesday 26 March 2024, where it resolved to place the draft PoM on public exhibition.

We invite you to read the draft PoM - if you are short on time, jump straight to the draft Masterplan. We also have an Easy Read (accessible) version of the draft PoM.

What's happening now?

Comments have now closed and we are reviewing all feedback received. We will update the draft PoM where appropriate and report to Council seeking adoption. Click +Follow at the top of this page and we will notify you when a Council meeting has been confirmed and the agenda published.

Key proposals

  • Formalising Field 7 as a lit sportsfield and formalising the adjacent overflow car park
  • Enabling an all-weather synthetic surface on Field 2 subject to appropriate environmental investigations and the release of the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s guidelines for synthetic sportsfield planning
  • New improved amenities throughout the Reserve that provide better and equitable access for people with a disability, families and female participants
  • Improvements at the Rugby Park (Field 1) for spectators, players, sport, administration and events
  • Upgrades to the other sportsfields, ancillary facilities and the clubhouse buildings
  • New inclusive play and recreation space for children and young people
  • Additional tree plantings and new and upgraded landscaping
  • Improvements to roadways, parking and pedestrian and cycling pathways
  • Safety improvements at the golf centre
  • Providing picnic/seating facilities across the reserve for socialising and passive recreation opportunities
  • Authorisation of leases, licences and other agreements for use of the Reserve
  • Proposed works are dependent on the allocation of funding and will be assessed in accordance with any relevant planning and environmental requirements and legislation.

Stage 1: What you told us

Thank you to everyone who submitted an idea on our interactive map or provided us with feedback on our comment form during our idea-gathering stage (Stage 1).

We had over 200 responses on the social map and over 80 comments submitted on our comment form and via email. The team has reviewed the comments received and used this feedback during the preparation of the new Plan of Management including a Masterplan (draft PoM) for North Narrabeen Reserve.

Feedback collected during Stage 1 of consultation (ideas gathering) highlighted how well-used and important this reserve is to local residents, visitors, sporting, recreation and community groups.

Here are the key themes of what we heard:

Stage 1: The details

Improving sporting, community and recreational opportunities

The Reserve has been an important sport, recreation and community hub for residents and visitors for many years. A range of sports facilities including Pittwater Rugby Park (Rat Park), Pittwater Golf Centre, sportsfields, sports amenities and recreation parking facilities are available. It also hosts community events, weekly Friday markets and is a place for casual recreation and play.

We wanted to understand what's important to the community and invited you to share your feedback on the interactive map below.

You told us:

  • what you love about the reserve
  • what you do there now, and would like to be able to do in the future
  • your ideas for improving the site and its facilities.

We were also keen to hear about your experiences when attending events at this reserve.

We want to consider and balance the current and future needs of all reserve users while respecting and enhancing the natural environment.

Your input has helped us draft the new draft Plan of Management (PoM) for the reserve. We will be asking for your feedback on the draft PoM very soon.

Closed: Share your feedback on our interactive map

The site

Want to know more about this reserve?

Not sure where North Narrabeen Reserve is or what it includes? Click on the tiles below to view its location and key facilities. We've also included some images of the reserve further below on this page.

The reserve in pictures