
LEP and DCP Amendments in effect

Amendments to the Warringah Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011 were exhibited in late 2021. The DCP along with a report of the submissions received was considered and adopted by Council on Tuesday 22 February 2022.

The Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 Amendment No 27 was published on 10 June 2022 on the NSW legislation website.

This Planning Proposal has sought to implement the Northern Beaches Affordable Housing Contributions scheme, including amendments to clause 6.11 Affordable Housing and Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme map layer in Warringah Local Environment Plan 2011 (LEP).

This Planning Proposal implements the LEP amendments to accommodate consolidation and growth of an existing medical practice on the site with additional permitted uses for ‘medical centre’, ‘commercial premises’ and ‘shop top housing’. Housing growth within 400m of a B-line bus stop has been supported with increased building heights from 8.5m to 11m across most of the site and 12m for commercial premises.

Site specific Development Control Plan (DCP) controls are in effect with amendments to Warringah Development Control Plan 2011 introducing Part G8 Narrabeen. These controls came into effect concurrently with Amendment 27 on 10 June 2022.


In December 2018, Council received a Planning Proposal for the land at 1294-1300 Pittwater Road and 2-4 Albert Street, Narrabeen which sought to allow additional permitted uses for this site (a medical centre and commercial premises) and an increase in the maximum height of building.

The Planning Proposal was submitted to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) seeking a Gateway determination in 2019.

The Department responded on 5 August 2019, requesting that the Planning Proposal address various matters.

The Planning Proposal was revised and supported by Council on 15 June 2021 for submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment seeking a Gateway Determination. A Gateway Determination was issued in September 2021 subject to conditions.

The Northern Beaches Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme was formally adopted by Council at the meeting held on Tuesday 28 September 2021, following public exhibition alongside the Frenchs Forest Precinct Strategy, the first site to which the scheme applies. This adopted scheme includes the site at 1294-1300 Pittwater Road and 2-4 Albert Street, Narrabeen as the second site to which the scheme applies.

This planning proposal seeks to implement the scheme by introducing a Local Environment Plan (LEP) clause that refers to the scheme and an LEP map identifying the sites to which the scheme applies.

At the meeting held on 22 February 2022 Council resolved to adopt the Planning Proposal and associated reccomendations for:

  • amendments to Warringah LEP 2011 to consolidate existing medical practice at the front corner of the site with additional permitted uses for a medical centre, commercial premises and shop top housing
  • amendments to implement Council's Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme
  • a site specific amendment to Warringah DCP 2011 for the subject site.

These will now be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment for finalisation.

View the Council Minutes - 22 February 2022, Item 12.4, pg. 19

View the Council Report - 22 February 2022, Item 12.4, pg. 124

Further reading

The intended amendments for both the planning proposal and the DCP are outlined below.

The Planning Proposal seeks to amend Warringah Local Environment Plan (LEP) 2011 to include:

  • Additional permitted uses for medical centre, commercial premises and shop top housing at 1298 and 1300 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen This will consolidate the existing medical practice at 4 Albert Street and commercial office both at the front corner of the site while also allowing space for future growth of the medical practice in line with anticipated needs of an ageing population in the Narrabeen area.
  • Increased height controls from 8.5m to 11m across most of the site (excluding the heritage bungalow) in line with existing controls in the adjoining Narrabeen town centre. A height of 12m at 1298 and 1300 Pittwater Road will allow for increased ceiling heights for commercial uses in accordance with the Australian Design Guideline (ADG) requirements. A modest increase to heights will support feasibility for an affordable housing contribution and provide housing within 400m of the B-line bus stop, shops and services.
  • Implementing Council’s Adopted Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme with an additional local provision and an Affordable Housing Map layer in the LEP. This scheme was recently exhibited alongside Frenchs Forest Town Centre and adopted by Council in September 2021.

The site-specific amendment to the Warringah Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011 includes:

  • providing built form controls for more pavement space at the front corner of the site, ceiling heights for commercial spaces and improving how the building interacts with public streets
  • parameters for the number of storeys and setbacks to provide a softer urban design outcome that compliments the streetscape and Narrabeen village
  • setbacks at site boundaries and building separation to provide opportunities for landscaping and to manage impacts on surrounding properties
  • building design controls to provide noise shielding, maximise passive surveillance and address matters such as the location of air conditioning and other services
  • heritage controls requiring a conservation management plan and a heritage impact statement at the Development Application (DA) stage
  • parking controls stipulating vehicle access points, parking spaces and providing car share and electric vehicle charging spaces
  • landscaping controls to protect deep soil planting opportunities and requirements for mature tree plantings to support tree canopy, shade and reduce urban heat island effects.

The accompanying site-specific DCP also seeks to:

  • Ensure the built form responds well to the existing village character of Narrabeen town centre with urban design outcomes reflecting the transition from commercial town centre to the surrounding residential neighbourhood. Implement building controls that specify the maximum number of stories and ground floor and upper-level setbacks to reduce visual bulk and scale.
  • Provide a positive contribution to the public domain by including canopy cover for pedestrian connections to the nearby B-line bus stop and a 2m setback from the site boundary resulting in additional footpath space at one of only two pedestrian crossings of Pittwater Road at Narrabeen town centre.
  • Protect adequate deep soil capacity to accommodate mature tree canopy, assisting to mitigate urban heat island effects and protect the existing Hills Fig tree. Landscaping requirements also seek to provide screening to site boundaries, enhance privacy between buildings and ensure residential needs for outdoor activities and enjoyment are met.
  • Maintain and conserve significant heritage items, their fabric and setting. Requirements include a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the heritage bungalow at 2 Albert Street and upper-level setbacks around the heritage bungalow.
  • Support the reduction of car trips and encourage the use of sustainable transport with on-site parking requirements reflecting the proximity to the B-line, requirements for a Green Travel Plan, by providing at least two car share and two electric vehicle charging spaces.

Project history

Council has received a Gateway Determination to proceed with the Planning Proposal subject to conditions.

At the meeting held on 15 June 2021, Council resolved to re-submit a revised Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for Gateway determination to amend Warringah Local Environment Plan 2011.

View the Council minutes, 15 June 2021, Item 12.2, pg. 11

A report was presented to Council on Tuesday 27 April 2021 seeking endorsement to:

  • resubmit the revised Planning Proposal for 1294-1300 Pittwater Rd & 2-4 Albert St, Narrabeen to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for a gateway determination
  • exhibit draft amendments to Warringah Development Control Plan 2011
  • not proceed with an affordable housing contribution due to impacts on development feasibility.

At the meeting, Council resolved that the item be deferred to enable staff and the proponent to continue discussions in relation to the proposed 2 metre set-back in the Development Control Plan, the provision of adequate commercial floor space, and the provision of affordable housing.

View the council documents:

Council minutes (Item 12.2)
Council Report (Item 12.2)
Revised Planning Proposal

We will provide an update when the item has been rescheduled.

The Planning Proposal was submitted to the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (the Department) for Gateway Determination on 5 June 2019. On 5 August 2019, the Department identified a number of matters requiring further justification before a Gateway Determination could be issued.

Council met with the Applicant to discuss the matters raised by the Department.

At a meeting on 28 May, Council resolved to submit an amended Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning and Industry for gateway determination to amend Warringah Local Environment Plan 2011.

View details of the resolution - Council Minutes (Item 12.3 pge16)

A report is going to Council on Tuesday 28 May recommending that an amended Planning Proposal be submitted to NSW Department of Planning to amend WLEP 2011.

The Council Meeting will be held at at Dee Why Civic Centre

View the Agenda and report, Item 12.3, pg.122

View Attachment Booklet 3 including Submissions Table pg.161

For requests to address Council visit our webpage.

The Planning Proposal is now on exhibition and we welcome your submissions.

View the exhibition documents

Planning Proposal Report - Dec 2018
Locality Plan - Nov 2018
Draft Height of Buildings Amendment Map
Draft Additional Permitted Uses Map
Urban Design Report - Dec 2018
Heritage Impact Assessment Report - Nov 2018
Traffic Impact Assessment Report - Nov 2018
Economic Assessment Report - Nov 2018
Flooding Risk Assessment Report - Nov 2018
Survey Plan - Oct 2018

Make a submission -

  • online
  • in writing - marked ‘PEX2018/0009’ to Northern Beaches Council, Strategic Planning, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655

The draft documents are also available for viewing at Council’s Customer Service Centres in Dee Why and Mona Vale.

Enquiries: Paul Christmas, Principal Strategic Planner, 1300 434 434 or

Submissions close 24 March 2019

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Felicity Shonk - Planner, Strategic and Place Planning
Phone 1300 434 434