Planning Proposal withdrawn


The Planning Proposal at 28 Lockwood Avenue, Belrose (the former Belrose Library site) seeks to amend Warringah LEP 2011 by increasing the maximum height of buildings permitted on the site to part 9 metres and part 15 metres and by including “multi dwelling housing” and “residential flat building” as additional permitted uses.

On 21 August 2017 Council also received a Statement of Proposed Public Benefit to be included in a future Voluntary Planning Agreement associated with the Planning Proposal.

If the Planning Proposal is accepted by Council, it will be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination. Pending a favourable Gateway Determination, the Planning Proposal will be re-exhibited for a minimum of 28 days for further public comment.

While the planning proposal is accompanied by a Concept Masterplan, the site's development is not part of this proposal and future development will be subject to a later development application.
