Park categorisation approved

In 2019, an action was included in the Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan that would see the property at 40 Stuart Street demolished and the land incorporated into the adjoining park (Little Manly Reserve).

The first step toward this was the reclassification of the land as Community Land which was adopted by Council earlier this year.

Following the reclassification, we consulted on a proposal to categorise the Community Land at 40 Stuart Street, Manly as Park and amend the Little Manly Coastline Management Plan 2004.

Our aim was to return the land to the community as public open space so it can be enjoyed for recreational activities.

At the meeting held on 28 September 2021, Council approved the Park categorisation and amendments to the management plan.

View the Council minutes (Item 13.5)

View the Council Report (Item 13.5) and the Attachment Booklet 3 (Item 13.5) which includes the draft management plan amendments adopted by Council.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this proposal.

Consultation history

We gathered community feedback about the proposed categorisation of 40 Stuart Street, Manly between 7 July 2021 and 18 August 2021. An online public hearing session was held on Thursday 12 August 2021.

The feedback indicated a high level of support for the proposal, with comments citing that this has been long-awaited by the community and the additional space will be enjoyed by locals, families, and visitors.

Respondents who did not support the proposal cited financial and parking issues.

Council used an independent consultancy (Parkland Planners) as part of this consultation to conduct the public hearing and produce a report with recommendations about the categorisation. View the Parkland Planners report

You can also view our community engagement report below.

Consultation documents

Site plans and a background information document used during the consultation can be found below, as well as links to relevant Council documents and resolutions.

Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Russell Jenkins - Senior Asset Management Officer
Phone 1300 434 434