Masterplan implementation

  • Project update - July 2024

    We will soon demolish 40 Stuart Street to enhance open space and accessibility in line with the Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan. The demolition has been awarded to Beasy Pty Ltd to complete the project on behalf of Northern Beaches Council.

    Demolition will commence July 2024 and is expected to take approximately one month.

    A temporary fence will be kept around the site until we complete landscaping works.

Little Manly Beach Reserve is a popular harbour beach reserve renowned for its natural and harbourside beauty. Little Manly Point is a large park situated on land that was formerly the Little Manly Gasworks, successfully remediated in the 1990’s and transformed from a derelict industrial site into a large park that celebrates its industrial heritage and natural environmental value.

In 2018/19 we engaged with our community on a landscape masterplan for this area. The Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan provided opportunities to improve the open space, accessibility, deliver new amenities, a new playground and to create a meeting area along the foreshore connecting the foreshore open space park with the beach.

View the Council minutes, item 13.1, page 21

Adopted Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan

Project updates

We have upgraded the playground and built a new amenities building at Little Manly Point as part of the implementation of the Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan (2019).

Visit the project page.

Works in the area will continue as part of the Masterplan, with the demolition of 40 Stuart Street, Manly to commence late July 2024. This will increase the park area at Little Manly Reserve for the community to enjoy.

As part of the implementation of the Little Manly Reserve Landscape Masterplan 2019, we have upgraded the seawall at Little Manly Reserve and Beach.

The seawall upgrade improves accessibility, creates a meeting area along the foreshore, and connects the foreshore open space park with the beach.

The works feature sandstone block, bleacher style seating as well as new concrete stairs and handrails.

The works have taken longer than anticipated due to the discovery of aboriginal ancestral remains and asbestos material. Council officers have been working with the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Aboriginal Heritage Office, and Archaeological Heritage Consultants with on-site sieving of stockpile material for recovery of ancestral remains.

Asbestos contaminated material has been removed and disposed of by a licensed asbestos hygienist in accordance with Safe Work NSW guidelines.

Stockpile sieving and restoration of the grassed park area are anticipated to be completed and the area open in time for Australia Day.

View the seawall location plan here.

At its meeting on 26 November 2019, Council resolved to:

  1. Adopt the Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan
  2. Include the demolition of the dwelling at 40 Stuart Street, Manly to increase the park area at Little Manly Reserve as part of the development of the 2022/23 Delivery Plan
  3. Commence reclassification of 40 Stuart Street Manly (Lot 3 DP 252420) to Community Land and that, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, it is publicly advertised and submissions invited for a period of 28 days and Council subsequently proceed with the proposed reclassification subject to no adverse submissions being received
  4. If the proposed reclassification proceeds, the Community Land classification only be finalised following the update of the Little Manly Coastline Plan of Management to include the subject property and allow for the leasing of the existing dwelling.

View the Council minutes, item 13.1, page 21

The draft Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan has been guided by feedback and ideas from the community. We heard that people wanted only minor adjustments in order to maintain the look and feel of this much-loved area. The draft masterplan aims to protect the existing landscape character, provide a public toilet facility on Little Manly Point, and address a number of safety and connectivity issues.

A report is going to Council on Tuesday 26 November 2019 recommending:

  • the adoption of the draft Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan
  • the consideration of the demolition of the dwelling at 40 Stuart Street, Manly to increase the park area at Little Manly Reserve as part of the development of the 2022/23 Delivery Program.

The Council meeting will be held at 6pm at the Dee Why Civic Centre.

If you would like to address Council on this agenda item, please complete the form on our website.

Thank you to everyone who provided a comment on the draft Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan. Comments are now closed and the project team is busy reviewing the feedback. We will provide an update on this page.

Thank you to everyone who dropped in at Little Manly Beach on Saturday to chat with us, ask questions and provide constructive feedback.

If you couldn't make it, there's another session on Wednesday 7 August from 10am to 12pm at Little Manly Beach.

The draft masterplan is now open for comment:

Comments close on Sunday 18 August 2019.

At the Council meeting on Tuesday 25 June 2019, the Draft Little Manly Beach Landscape Masterplan was endorsed for public exhibition. Details about the exhibition will be available shortly on this page.

View the Council Minutes, Item 13.3, page 7.

Thank you for your interest in this project.

There is a report going to Council on Tuesday 25 June 2019 recommending that the Draft Little Manly Masterplan be endorsed for public exhibition.

The Council Meeting will be held at 6pm at the Dee Why Civic Centre.

View the Council Agenda and report, Item 13.3, page 89.

View the Draft Masterplan in attachment 1, page 94.

For requests to address Council please visit our webpage.

Thank you for your patience as we finalise this important project.

Staff have been working on the development of the draft masterplan which is now anticipated to be presented to Council in June 2019 for public exhibition endorsement.

Community submissions will be invited during the public exhibition stage of this project.

The project timeline has been amended, with a view to adopting the final masterplan late 2019.

We have compiled all the community feedback from Stage 1 of the community engagement process and prepared a summary report.

View the report

This material will be used to formulate the draft plan which will be exhibited in the new year.

Thank you to everyone who made comments on the draft scoping document.

Stage 1 engagement has now closed.

We will keep this webpage up to date as the project progresses. The draft landscape masterplan will be exhibited in the new year.

Comments on the scoping document are closing on Monday.

Have your say today

  • Online
  • Join the conversation on the ideas board

Comments close Monday 10 December 2018

Council staff met with the community at a drop in session on Saturday 24 November to hear their thoughts on the proposed scoping document that will feed into a draft masterplan for the Little Manly Reserves. Around 50 people attended over the 2 hour session.

Some of the themes discussed by the community at the drop in session included:

  • location of the local amenities
  • managing vegetation and maintaining residential views
  • managing traffic speeds and pedestrian access in Stuart Street
  • the importance of kiosk park being a ‘family orientated’ area
  • recognising the natural environment and keeping solutions ‘low key’
  • the potential relocation of the kiosk to allow for more open space
  • importance of access connecting all open space areas
  • a desire of many participants to maintain the foreshore for beach use

The conversation is continuing and we want to hear your views on this important project.

Comments remain open until Monday 10 December

We encourage you to provide Council’s Senior Landscape Architect with your thoughts and ideas to help shape the landscape masterplan.

View the draft scoping document

Get involved – Stage 1 engagement

  • Share your ideas on our ideas board
  • Complete an online comments form
  • Attend the onsite drop-in session:
    • Sat 24 November, 10am - 12noon
  • Make a written submission - CEO, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655, marked “Little Manly Beach Landscape Masterplan - Stage 1”

Comments close Monday 10 December 2018

We are working with the community to prepare a landscape masterplan for Little Manly Beach reserve and point.

The intent of the landscape masterplan is to provide a long term strategy for improvements to be undertaken over-time when funding is available.

In 2017, we undertook engagement on the potential of installing a boardwalk along the back of the Beach at Little Manly. Community feedback on this project informed Council that a boardwalk was not supported.

The majority of people who contributed to community engagement on the boardwalk instead preferred that Council develop a long term landscape masterplan. Development of the masterplan could then consider all aspects of the reserve and point holistically, rather than focus on one specific area.

This project has been informed by the community engagement for the boardwalk.

View the boardwalk project webpage for information.