Reclassification approved
Mar 2021 - Council outcome
At its meeting on 23 February 2021, Council resolved to:
- Note the submissions received in respect of the proposed reclassification of 40 Stuart Street, Manly (Lot 3 DP 252420) and Council’s response to the submissions.
- Reclassify 40 Stuart Street, Manly (Lot 3 DP 252420) from operational to community land in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).
- Update the Little Manly Coastline Plan of Management to include this land and to incorporate this land in the Little Manly Reserve.
- Subject to the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), continue to lease the dwelling on the land until it is demolished, which is anticipated to occur in 2022/23.
- Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to do all things and execute all necessary documentation in order to give effect to the above resolutions.
Feb 2021 - Engagement report
During the public notification process, Council received a total of 66 submissions. The majority of responses were positive with 89 percent of the submissions in support of the proposal to reclassify the property from Operational to Community land.
People who supported the reclassification did so for a variety of reasons:
- The inclusion of the site to open space is long overdue.
- We need to ensure open space foreshore land is accessible for all.
- Greater open space will support health and well-being.
- In light of Covid-19, we need more public open space than ever before.
The main issues raised against the proposal were related to costs and income revenue.
Engagement history
Submissions opened:
Wed 28 Oct
Submissions close:
Tue 1 Dec
Total submissions:
Public Notice: Proposed reclassification of Public Land from Operational Land to Community Land at 40 Stuart Street, Manly (Lot 3 DP 252420), as per sections 33 and 34 of the Local Government Act 1993
As part of the adoption of the Little Manly Reserves Landscape Masterplan on 26 November 2019, Council also resolved to:
- include the demolition of the dwelling at 40 Stuart Street, Manly to increase the park area at Little Manly Reserve as part of the development of the 2022/23 Delivery Plan.
- commence reclassification of 40 Stuart Street Manly (Lot 3 DP 252420) to Community Land and that, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, it is publicly advertised and submissions invited for a period of 28 days and Council subsequently proceed with the proposed reclassification subject to no adverse submissions being received.
The resolution also stated that, if the proposed reclassification proceeds, the Community Land classification only be finalised following the update of the Little Manly Coastline Plan of Management to include the subject property and allow for the leasing of the existing dwelling.
For the full resolution, view the minutes, 26 November 2019.
In accordance with the above resolution, Council has given Public Notice of its intention to resolve that the land at 40 Stuart Street Manly (Lot 3 DP 252420) be reclassified to Community Land.
Document library
Submission form now closed
Contact us
Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:
Name | Cherry Varde, Land Dealings Officer |
Phone | 1300 434 434 | | |
In writing | 'Reclassification of land - 40 Stuart Street, Manly', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655. |