Licence awarded

Submissions on the proposed licence for a storage facility at Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club (the club) were open between Friday 16 December and Sunday 5 February.

Following an open process for the use of a storage locker via Tenderlink, Council awarded two separate 5 year licenses to Reef Riders Malibu Club Incorporated and Surfing NSW, both not-for-profit organisations, to share the storage locker.

Agreements have since been entered into commencing 1 July 2023.

Project history


Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club (the Club) had recently undergone redevelopment. The upgraded club included purpose-built storage facilities adjacent to the club with beach access.

The proposal

We proposed to grant a five year Licence to a not-for-profit organisation to use the storage facility known as 'storage locker A' (approx. 21 m2).

The tender opened on Friday 16 December. Details of the tender Request for Proposal (RFP) 2022/240 were available here on Tenderlink.

We invited you to have your say by completing a submission form, by email or in writing.

Council is the owner of land and buildings at Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club and the public notice is in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.

All submissions in their entirety are treated as public documents and made available on request.

Floor plan


Have an enquiry?

Contact Information
Name Millie Patterson, Property Officer
Phone 1300 434 434
In writing

Marked 'PA2015/0042 Storage licence - Long Reef Surf Life Saving Club', Northern Beaches Council PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655