Project update

June 2024

What's happening now?

We have progressed the updated design for the first park upgrade - Brick Pit Reserve - and are working on engaging a contractor to commence construction.

We anticipate work commencing on Brick Pit Reserve in September 2024. For more information on Brick Pit Reserve, and to view the designs and concept images go to the Brick Pit Reserve page.

The detailed designs for Akora Reserve and Rabbett Reserve are on hold while funding is confirmed.

You can +Follow this page to stay up to date on the complete program of work. Or, for more detailed information on each individual reserve, jump to the park from the tiles below and +Follow the page directly.

As designs and timelines progress for each park, we'll update this home page and the individual pages also.

Consultation history


We thank our community who contributed their thoughts and feedback on the plans for the three park upgrades – part of the Frenchs Forest Town Centre activity – between 24 March and 4 May 2022.

Support for the upgrades and the current concept designs was generally high with some feedback suggesting possible changes or enhancements and other feedback raising concerns over specific elements of the concepts such as issues with mosquitos, privacy impacts to neighbouring properties and noise.

Our Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report contains all of the feedback received throughout the consultation period and our responses to questions and suggestions.

What's next?

The development of detailed designs for each park will inform our tender process before any construction can get underway. This stage of design will take into account the feedback that our community has provided.

The detailed design process is complete for Brick Pit Reserve. Work on the Akora and Rabbett Reserve designs is on hold pending funding. Site investigations such as ecological and geotechnical assessments will be carried out which, along with your feedback, will inform the detailed design process.

Our aim is to keep you informed of our progress on the detailed designs and any technical studies as appropriate.

The complete program of work from detailed design to construction is anticipated to run over approximately 5 years.

  • Brick Pit Reserve - construction anticipated to commence September 2024
  • Akora Reserve - further work on Akora Reserve has been paused pending funding
  • Rabbett Reserve - further work on Rabbett Reserve has been paused pending funding.

What's planned?

Open space and parks for Frenchs Forest

We are upgrading three parks in Frenchs Forest as part of the planned infrastructure for the Frenchs Forest Town Centre. The upgrades will embellish the existing reserves and create inviting places for the community now and into the future.

We developed concept plans to help engage with our community and guide the designs. The upgrade of each park will happen at different times but exhibition was for all three concepts at the same time so that the community could have their say on any or all of the parks at once.

Further details and the exhibited plans for each park are available from the tiles above.

We are taking the community's feedback and comments into account during our detailed design stage. As we progress through the process, the community will be kept up to date on how the designs are shaping up.

Park locations