Trial underway

Installation complete

All charging stations have been installed and are now operational:

  • Dearin Reserve - opposite 13 Kalinya Street, Newport
  • 19 Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills
  • Blackbutts Road (opposite Malbara Crescent), Frenchs Forest
  • 118 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights
  • 9 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy
  • 25-27 Ashburner Street, Manly
  • 4 West Promenade, Manly.

More information on the history of the project and how sites were identified, is available under the Background section further down this page.


We are one of eight local Councils taking part in the Intellihub EV Streetside Charging Project, which will make EV charging stations more accessible for those who live in apartments, townhouses or units with no on-site EV charging facilities.

Local streetside power poles will be turned into charging stations for electric vehicles, under an Australian-first trial being rolled out by Intellihub. The trial is for 12 months.

We have funding for seven (7) of the 22kW EV chargers, and asked you to nominate which of the 12 previously identified sites you think should be the priority. We received 429 responses - thank you to all who provided feedback.

There was overall support for the project, however some concerns were raised. These included funding and cost to the community, and concern that some of the proposed sites were not suitable due to limited availability of parking.

Project costs will be covered by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), and users will pay to use the service. After reviewing feedback and concerns raised, some sites are no longer under consideration at this time.

Further detail, including all verbatim comments, is available in the Community Engagement Report.

After reviewing all feedback received, a report on the engagement outcomes was presented to the Local Traffic Committee on Wednesday 8 November 2023. The Committee approved the recommendation to support the 12-month trial at the following seven (7) sites:

  • Governor Phillip Park, Palm Beach (outside Dunes Palm Beach)
  • Dearin Reserve - opposite 13 Kalinya Street, Newport
  • 15 Coronation Street, Mona Vale
  • Blackbutts Road (opposite Malbara Crescent), Frenchs Forest
  • 9 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy
  • 25-27 Ashburner Street, Manly
  • 4 West Promenade, Manly.

View the Committee Meeting Report (Item 4.5, page 51) and Minutes (Item 4.5, page 9).

Appropriate signage will be installed at each site, and at the conclusion of the 12-month trial, we will conduct an evaluation, including further consultation with our community.

Proposed sites

Recent community consultation has helped us identify the 12 sites listed below for consideration.

  • Governor Phillip Park, Palm Beach (outside Dunes Palm Beach)
  • 59 Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
  • Dearin Reserve - opposite 13 Kalinya Street, Newport
  • 19 Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills
  • 15 Coronation Street, Mona Vale
  • Boondah Road, Warriewood – Boondah Reserve Field 5
  • Blackbutts Road (opposite Malbara Crescent), Frenchs Forest
  • 9 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy
  • 118 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights
  • 25-27 Ashburner Street, Manly
  • 11 Gilbert Street, Manly
  • 4 West Promenade, Manly.

We have funding for seven (7) of the 22kW EV chargers, and we asked the community to nominate which sites should be considered as a priority. As more funding becomes available, we will look to roll out more charging stations to the remaining sites.

View the site plans for more detail on each location.

EV Charging Infrastructure Plan

In August 2021, Council adopted the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Plan, following community and stakeholder engagement.

The plan identifies the framework for establishing a network of EV charging stations and outlines conditions for the installation, management, maintenance and removal of EV charging infrastructure on identified Council sites.

This proposal is in line with our MOVE - Northern Beaches Transport Strategy 2038 which sets a target of 30 percent reduction in vehicle emissions by 2038, and our Climate Change Action Plan which has a range of actions for delivering this outcome including facilitating and providing public EV charging infrastructure at key locations.

Project updates

Project update: March 2024

After conducting their final pre-installation inspections, Ausgrid has advised that the EV charging stations approved for sites at Governor Phillip Park, Palm Beach (outside Dunes Palm Beach) and 15 Coronation Street, Mona Vale can no longer proceed due to load limit issues. Letters have been sent to neighbouring properties.

We selected two alternative sites that were considered under the original proposal, and reported these to the Local Traffic Committee on Tuesday 6 February 2024 for approval:

  • 19 Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills
  • 118 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights.

The Committee supported the installation of a charging station at 19 Yulong Avenue, Terry Hills, however, deferred consideration for the station at 118 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights pending a review of safety and options for an alternative site.

Following a review of safety concerns and options for an alternative site, the proposal for 118 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights was approved by the Committee at its meeting on Tuesday 5 March 2024.

Completed installations

EV charging stations and signage have been installed, with the stations ready to use, at the following sites:

  • Blackbutts Road (opposite Malbara Crescent), Frenchs Forest
  • 9 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy
  • 25-27 Ashburner Street, Manly
  • 4 West Promenade, Manly
  • Dearin Reserve (opposite 13 Kalinya Street, Newport).

The sites have been listed on EV charging apps.

Project update: 20 Dec 2023

EV charging stations and signage have been installed, with the stations ready to use, at the following sites:

  • Blackbutts Road (opposite Malbara Crescent), Frenchs Forest
  • 9 Anzac Avenue, Collaroy
  • 25-27 Ashburner Street, Manly
  • 4 West Promenade, Manly.

The sites will be listed on EV charging apps shortly.

The charging station for Dearin Reserve (opposite 13 Kalinya Street, Newport) has been installed and will soon be ready for use.

After conducting their final pre-installation inspections, Ausgrid has advised that the EV charging stations approved for sites at Governor Phillip Park, Palm Beach (outside Dunes Palm Beach) and 15 Coronation Street, Mona Vale can no longer proceed due to load limit issues. Letters will be sent to neighbouring properties.

We have selected two alternative sites that were considered under the original proposal, and will be reporting these to the Local Traffic Committee in February 2024 for approval:

  • 19 Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills
  • 118 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights.

More information on the history of the project and how sites were identified, is available under the Background section further down this page.