Project not progressing

  • Project update - June 2024

    The design is complete for the McKillop Park Boardwalk project, but there is insufficient budget to construct the boardwalk.

    Discussions are being held with the funding provider to utilise the funding on an alternative connectivity project within the area.

    If funding becomes available to carry out the construction of the boardwalk connection we will notify you.

Project Background

Project background

The Freshwater Coastal Open Space Masterplan, adopted by Council in 2018, identifies the construction of a link between the end of South Curl Curl Boardwalk (Harry Elliffe Way) and McKillop Park Reserve.

This boardwalk extension will provide a safer and more accessible connection along the headland.

It will remove the need for pedestrians to use the stairs to Lumsdaine Drive to continue their walk along this beautiful stretch of coastline.

It will also connect the existing boardwalk to the public artwork that will be installed in 2023 at McKillop Park Reserve.

Due to the environmental sensitivities and rich biodiversity of the area, extensive work has been undertaken to ensure the design of the boardwalk has limited environmental impacts.

Council has commissioned a Review of Environmental Factors (REF), including a Flora & Fauna Impact Assessment, to assess the environmental impacts of the proposed boardwalk extension.

The REF concludes that the proposed boardwalk is unlikely to have a significant impact on the environment.

You can view the REF documents in the tiles below, along with a concept plan outlining the location and sketches of the proposed extension. We've also provided a brief overview of the REF and some frequently asked questions on this page.

image of logo of NSW govt


Engagement outcomes

We thank everyone who provided their thoughts and feedback on the plans for the McKillop Park Boardwalk Extension, Freshwater.

The feedback received during consultation indicated a high level of support for the extension of the boardwalk. Some respondents recommended alternative routes for the extension beyond what was proposed, while those who did not support the proposal indicated concern around the impacts to the environment and the addition of man-made structures to a natural area.

You can read our responses to the feedback in the Community Engagement Summary Report.