Stay up to date with our place planning
Project update - Feb 25
Project update - February 2025
In 2024, the draft Mona Vale Place Plan was placed on hold pending the release of the NSW Government's stage 2 housing reforms.
On 21 February 2025, the NSW Government released the Stage 2 Low and Mid-Rise Housing Reforms (Stage 2 housing reforms), with detailed amendments and specific controls to come into effect when published on 28 February 2025.
These reforms apply to 9 Northern Beaches town centres, including Mona Vale.
The Stage 2 housing reforms appear to significantly increase housing numbers above those anticipated by Council during the initial phases of the draft Mona Vale Place Plan. In response, we will review the new controls in detail when they are published to determine the next steps for the future of the Mona Vale Place Plan.
Project update - Aug 24
Project update - August 2024
The Mona Vale Place Plan has been placed on hold pending further direction from the State Government in relation to its current housing reforms.
In December 2023, the State Government released proposed reforms to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021, as outlined in the ‘Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to create low and mid-rise housing’.
The low-rise and mid-rise housing reforms have the potential to significantly increase housing numbers above those anticipated by Council during the initial phases of the Mona Vale Place Plan. The anticipated increase in dwelling uplift will have a significant impact on the traffic modelling as well as the actions and design concepts proposed in the draft Mona Vale Place Plan.
Council considers it prudent to place the Mona Vale Place Plan on hold until such time the State Government release Stage 2 of the housing reforms.
We anticipate an announcement will be made in the latter part of 2024.
Related information
Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to create low and mid-rise housing
Project update - Apr 24
Project update - April 2024
We are continuing to shape the Mona Vale Place Plan with our partners, Project Working Group (PWG) and community.
We are currently revising the draft Place Plan based on technical input, including traffic and movement within and between the Mona Vale Strategic Centre.
This work involves engaging specialist traffic consultants to identify and investigate traffic and parking matters associated with the identified actions and design concepts proposed in the draft Place Plan.
We held off engaging these consultants due to the uncertainty around the NSW Government’s proposed new housing reforms and public exhibition of the ‘Explanation of Intended Effects: Changes to create low and mid-rise housing'. The housing reforms were placed on public exhibition from 15 December 2023 to 23 February 2024.
As currently proposed, these reforms could have significant impact on Mona Vale with a substantial increase in residential housing, far above those identified in the adopted Northern Beaches Local Housing Strategy and the draft Place Plan.
Council’s submission strongly opposing the proposed housing reforms has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment.
Work on the traffic matters will now recommence with the engagement of a traffic consultant to identify and assess all transport related matters.
Related information
The NSW Department of Planning have recently exhibited a Planning Proposal for 159-167 Darley Street West159-167 Darley Street West in Mona Vale which has now closed.
Any enquiries regarding this proposal should be made directly to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
Project Background
Engagement background
Whilst we are working on the new Draft Place Plan for Mona Vale, our community's needs are at the centre of all we are planning for. Your involvement is helping us understand the community's aspirations and values for this important centre.
As defined by working with our Project Working Group (PWG), our Draft Place Plan aims to create enjoyable, vibrant, safe, inclusive, and sustainable places for people.
The Draft Place Plan will set a vision and path forward for the area which reflects community values and aspirations. It will identify opportunities for improvement in and around Mona Vale town centre over the next 10 years delivering on the priorities outlined in our existing planning studies and strategic documents.
Our first step was to form a PWG that provides a forum for sharing ideas and testing approaches. The PWG consists of 17 representatives, including a mix of resident and business associations, representative bodies, community members and other special interest groups.
To date, we have conducted three PWG meetings and one status update (minutes available in the Document Library), a community drop-in at Village Park and the survey that closed at the end of April 2022. A full report on the outcomes of all community engagement activities will be available with the Draft Place Plan when on exhibition.