Development Application

Submissions closed

We have worked with Newport Surf Life Saving Club on the proposed building extension plan which was first exhibited in August 2017. The plan was based on a masterplanning concept commissioned by the Newport Surf Life Saving Club to address the need for increased storage and floor space as well as improve access.

A revised concept was exhibited between Thursday 26 November 2020 and Thursday 21 January 2021, engagement outcomes are detailed in the history below.

Development Application submissions closed

This project has now reached Development Application stage with the application (DA 2021/2173) lodged in early November 2021.

Submissions on the Development Application were notified and invited between 19 November and Friday 10 December 2021.

DA 2021/2173 Notification period closed: 5pm, Friday 10 December 2021.

Engagement outcomes

Thank you to those who provided feedback during our community engagement on the proposed building extension for Newport Surf Life Saving Club. We received 328 submissions during the exhibition period held between Thursday 26 November 2020 and Thursday 21 January 2021.

Feedback revealed a high level of overall support for the proposed refurbishment and extension.

Comments that were unsupportive of the concept cited excessive size, mismatch with the building's heritage and modern look of the new extension.

Themes that arose included:

  • overall support
  • facilities improvement
  • heritage
  • architectural design
  • community usage
  • café/restaurant
  • safety/accessibility
  • seawall
  • growth.

The full engagement report including sentiment summary and verbatim comments is available to read by clicking the button below.

Engagement history

The revised concept was exhibited between Thursday 26 November 2020 and Thursday 21 January 2021.

The building extension concept plan addressed the need to maintain the important heritage elements, provide increased floor space and improve access.

Concept at a glance

The building extension concept plan provides a design that addressed the need to maintain the important heritage elements, provide increased floor space and improve access.

Key design features include:

  • increased equipment storage
  • a new internal lift, foyer and improved circulation
  • two dedicated training rooms with secondary access
  • extension of north facing terrace
  • grouping amenities
  • a buried seawall

  • Ground floor

    First floor





    Main hall






    First Aid


    Balcony and terrace


    Lifeguards space




    Administration office


    Bar and kitchen


    Club amenities


    Committee room


    Public amenities


    Training area


    Shop / BBQ


    Bicycle racks


    Concept in detail

    Concept addresses coastal impacts

    Coastal engineering investigations indicate that the existing rock revetment is inadequate to ensure long term stability of the coastal zone and a seawall is required to mitigate the risk of undermining of the surf club building from coastal erosion and recession due to sea level rise.

    To address this risk coastal protection works will be implemented as part of this project in the form of a buried seawall along the length of the building.

    Based on historical sand level records at Newport Beach and sea level rise scenarios over a 60 year design life, the seawall would remain mostly buried under long term recession and not be visible.

    Artists impressions are provided below, indicating three possible scenarios.


    • Timeline item 1 - complete

      Mid 2019: Engineering investigations commence

    • Timeline item 2 - complete

      Mid-late 2019: Develop coastal protection strategy

      (based on geotechnical findings)

    • Timeline item 3 - complete

      Early-mid 2020: Develop concept design

      (addressing heritage concerns)

    • Timeline item 4 - complete

      Late 2020: Exhibit concept design

    • Timeline item 5 - active

      Late 2021: Design progress to Development Application stage

    Have an enquiry?

    Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

    Name Bernard Koon
    Phone 1300 434 434
    In writing

    Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.

    Stage 1 engagement history