New playground open
A new all-ages inclusive playground at one of the harbour’s most iconic beaches opened on Friday, just in time for summer.
The aquatic-themed playground at Clontarf Reserve provides endless fun for kids with a rope pendulum swing and spinning bowls, a fishing platform, a sea reed climbing net and slide, a seahorse toddler sand play activity area, and sandstone hermit crab retreat.
Parents can enjoy spectacular harbour views while watching their little ones play under the new shade sails and beautiful mature trees, which have been protected and restored.
The playground is an exciting part of the Clontarf Reserve Landscape Masterplan a - a multi-million-dollar upgrade of the area.
Construction on the playground started in April this year after consultation with the community from November 2018 until July 2019, with funding from the NSW Government’s Everyone Can Play grant program.
The sandstone seawall, accessible ramp, and tiered sitting bleachers were completed earlier this year and further upgrades are underway. This includes an improved amenities block and tidal pool, picnic facility, landscaping, pathway upgrades, and realigning the carpark.
Clontarf Park is a regionally significant harbour foreshore reserve that extends from Sandy Bay, along Clontarf Beach to Clontarf Point.
The reserve is highly valued by local residents as well as day visitors and tourists. It has been a popular destination for socialising and picnicking since the mid-19th century and is a key stopping point on the Manly Scenic Walkway link.
This project aims to deliver a landscape masterplan for Clontarf Park that will provide a 10 year vision for this important recreational open space. It will guide the park’s future conservation, enhancement and management, to facilitate connectivity, inclusion and accessibility to the foreshore open space, and cater for the desired environmental, social and recreational needs of all users.
Project history
At a meeting on 27 August 2019 Council resolved to adopt the Clontarf Reserve Landscape Masterplan and to investigate the reinstatement of a small accessible toilet to provide a child safe public amenity close to the playground and report back to Council.
Thank you for your interest in this project, Stage 2 submissions for this project are now closed and staff are busy reviewing feedback.
Thank you again to everyone who provided input and has helped Council develop a draft masterplan for the Clontarf Reserve and Sandy Bay foreshore open space area .
At a meeting on Tuesday 28 May, the draft Clontarf Reserve Masterplan was endorsed for exhibition.
View Council Report (Item 13.2) - 28 May 2019
View draft Clontarf Reserve Masterplan & supporting documents - May 2019
You can also view the documents at one of our Customer Service Centres.
The key features proposed by the draft masterplan include:
- Realigning the main car park along the southern side of the reserve to create a more cohesive and safe open space
- A main pedestrian promenade and pathway network through the reserve connecting key facilities
- A playground upgrade that provides more inclusive, fun and challenging play experiences for all ages and abilities
- Additional small accessible toilet near playground
- An expansion of the tidal pool to 50 metres in length
- Sandstone sitting bleachers overlooking the tidal pool
- Improvements to grassed open space areas and park facilities for recreation
- Preservation and celebration of the significant heritage values of the site
Join us at a drop-in onsite
- Saturday 15 June, 1-3pm
- Sunday 23 June, 11am-1pm
- online
- in writing - marked 'Clontarf Masterplan' to Northern Beaches Council PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655
Submissions close Sunday 30 June
Thank you to the 1,200 people who visited this page, provided online comments or joined us at one of the drop-in sessions during the consultation period.
In general, comments from the community described Clontarf Park as a much loved recreation area that is popular for picnics, barbeques, swimming and boating, for its aesthetic appeal and as a connection for the Manly Scenic Walkway.
The playground is extremely popular as is the off-leash dog area in Sandy Bay. People love the park in its current state; they don’t want it developed or commercialised but would like to see some aspects upgraded or repaired, such as the amenities block, pool and playground.
People reported that the appeal of the area was that it offered something for everyone; it was ‘good for all users’.
A detailed submission was received from the Clontarf Community Forum listing some concerns about the reserve as well as some considerations for the masterplan.
All this infomation will be used in the development of the draft Landscape Masterplan which is due to go out on exhibition in June. Everyone will have another opportunity to comment then.
Thank you to all the people who came along to the drop in sessions and gave feedback about the Clontarf Park Masterplan. We heard how much the park was loved by residents and visitors, and many valuable suggestions for us to consider in improving the amenity of the open space.
For the purposes of engagement, the area covered by the proposed masterplan has been divided into two areas -
Area 1 - Clontarf Park
Area 2 - Sandy Bay foreshore
The items below outline a number of issues and opportunities in the two areas. Please consider them when you provide feedback online.
Complete an online comment form
Comments close Sunday 16 December
Things to consider in this area
- Manly Scenic Walkway passes through Sandy Bay and Clontarf Park reserve areas; (1)
- Sandy Bay Road turn around area and limited parking availability leading to traffic and illegal visitor parking issues.
- Access point for local boating and water activites, dinghy storage facilities; (2)
- Popular dog-friendly area and facilities;
- Narrow grassed areas difficult to maintain - wind blown sand and high use; (3)
- Drainage and litter from open stormwater outlet impacting on foreshore; (3)
- Native sandstone vegetated headland and steep reserve areas along Sandy Bay Road; (6)
- Mitchell Walkway offers existing pedestrian connection over headland and views over Sandy Bay. (4)
Things to consider in this area:
- Poor street presence for main park entry and lack of safe pedestrian access facilities in car parking areas; (1)
- Centrally located Clonnys Café and Kiosk has inadequate sense of entry and connectivity to open space areas; circular car park turning area in front of Clonny’s is used by larger / maintenance vehicles and as a drop-off zone. (1)
- Large grassed open space area separated by access road; existing picnic shelter and park furniture are outdated and limit inclusion; (3)
- Large concrete pumping station / aqueduct structure divides the park and limits connectivity and access from parking in Holmes Avenue; (10), (13)
- Playground has limited accessibility and inclusive play value. All equipment located within one play zone creating conflict with different age groups; (5)
- Amenities do not meet current accessibility standards and there is no pedestrian connection to other facilities; (9)
- Pedestrian access points to the beach foreshore are limited and not accessible; (6)
- Many large significant trees in the park provide good shade; however leaf / fruit drop, exposed tree roots, high concentrated use of foreshore grassed areas impact on grass performance causing ongoing maintenance issues. (7
Join us Sunday morning at a drop-in session and provide feedback for the preparation of the Clontarf Park Landscape Masterplan.
- Sunday 2 December, 10am - 12noon
- Clontarf Park, Sandy Bay Road, Clontarf
In the initial stage of engagement for this project we want to find out -
- What you like about Clontarf Park?
- How you use the park and how often do you visit?
- What concerns or issues we should consider in the development of the masterplan?
- Any suggestions for improving the open space?
In particular, we are looking for feedback on the main features of the park, including
- playground and picnic facilities
- amenities
- pedestrian access/connections within the park
- carparking
- signage
- heritage/history
View Area 2 - Sandy Bay Foreshore
To provide feedback -
- email your feedback to Council
- come along to a drop in on site at Clontarf Park, Sandy Bay Road Clontarf on
Sunday 2 December 10am to 12 noon
In the event of wet weather please check this page for details
Comments close Sunday 16 December