Reporting to Council

Tuesday 30 July

Project snapshot

July 2024

We’ve received an enormous amount of interest and feedback for My Place: Manly which sets the vision for Manly over the next 10-15 years.

The draft Place Plan was exhibited between 9 October and 10 December 2023. We received over 500 responses to the draft place plan, over 140 responses to the Night-Time Economy survey, plus over 120 written contributions. Thank you to all who took the time to review the plans and provide feedback, helping to ensure we get it right.

A report outlining the outcomes from engagement will be presented to Council on Tuesday 30 July, with a recommendation to endorse the Place Plan.

You can request to address Council on the item. The deadline to request is 5pm Monday 29 July.

You can also watch the live stream via the webcast from 6pm.

June 2024

Council meeting: 25 June 2024

A report outlining the outcomes from engagement was presented to Council on Tuesday 25 June, and it was resolved that Council:

  1. Defer the My Place: Manly to replace the Manly2015 Masterplan until July 2024
  2. In the meantime:
    1. Prepare design options to trial the introduction of temporary street furniture in parts of the Corso to encourage informal seating and dining opportunities for the public. The temporary furniture is to include seating/chairs, tables, and small shade structures.
    2. Consult with The Manly Ward Councillors during the design phase, with installation to be completed by end of 2024.
  3. Consider as part of the September Quarterly review bringing forward funds from the Manly Special Rate Reserve to fund the temporary street furniture installation.
View the Council Minutes (Item 12.1, p. 20).

Next steps

We will begin work on the trial of temporary street furniture in parts of The Corso, in consultation with your Manly Ward Councillors.

We are excited to watch Manly grow and evolve over the short, medium and long term and are grateful for all the insightful feedback and comments from the public.

The plan

Consultation history

What we heard

We received lots of feedback on the various aspects of the draft Place Plan. Here is a summary of what you told us:

Concept design ideas

The draft place plan identifies four key places which are integral to the Manly centre. These key places are The Corso, Sydney Road, five CBD laneways and Pittwater Road (from Raglan Street to Carlton Street). The draft place plan includes concept designs for these key places showing proposed public domain improvements.

Click on the images below to explore and interact with the concept designs.

The Journey

Click to expand the headings below to find out more about the development of the draft place plan.

We formed a Project Working Group (PWG) to ensure that we heard and considered the views of key stakeholder groups as we developed the draft place plan. The PWG met six times, and provided a forum for discussions between Council, our consultants and its 15 representatives, which included residents, businesses, community associations and other special interest groups.

The figure below outlines the key stages we have gone through to develop the draft place plan.

The study area is bounded by East and West Esplanade, Pittwater Road, Manly Beach (South Steyne), and Ashburner Street and Victoria Parade.

It acknowledges other key sites including Manly Wharf, Manly Cove, Manly Surf Life Saving Club, Shelly Beach, the International College of Management and Royal Far West.

We had intended to include the future uses of Manly Town Hall in the study area. However, to prevent delays to the draft place plan exhibition, the Manly Town Hall future uses will remain a stand-alone project. Visit Manly Town Hall future uses project page to learn more.

The map below outlines the My Place: Manly study area.